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Birdwatch Aug 2023 front cover

The Birds of our Lifetimes

After inheriting a collection of bird books, the personal nature of some of them set David Callahan on his own journey of reflection and wonder. He asks: what will our birding legacies be?








BirdLife April–June 2024

From Mountains to Mangroves

Though it's the shortest flyway on earth, the Central Asian flyway – which is also the least known – still carries billions of migratory birds over the world's highest mountains, on a twice-yearly journey, fraught with ever-increasing dangers.

Birdwatching March 2024.webp

Bali High!

Bali remains an up-and-coming destination for all the family – and it’s also a place where you can still see good numbers of special Indonesian birds, writes David Callahan.

Bali High Birdwatching link
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Book no.2
Book no.3
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